Books /Logistics Management


Logistics Management




Clark Hiddleston



Publication Year


Category :

Commerce, Management and Economics - Supply Chain Management


$ 156.95


Logistics refers to the organization and implementation of a complex operation. It primarily refers to the management of the flow of goods and services from point of origin to the point of consumption. It is a component of supply chain management which focuses on efficient and effective movement of goods and services. Efficient use of necessary resources is the underlying goal of this discipline. This domain can be majorly divided into inbound and outbound logistics management. Inbound logistics refers to the process of arranging and purchasing of parts, goods and unfinished inventory from the suppliers, warehouses and assembly plants. Outbound logistics is concerned with the movement and storage of final products from the suppliers to the consumers. Some of the fields within this discipline are green logistics, production logistics, RAM logistics, distribution logistics, construction logistics and asset control logistics. The various sub-fields of this discipline along with technological progress that have future implications are glanced at in this book. Also included herein is a detailed explanation of the various concepts and applications of logistics management. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this book.