Frederick Pierce
States Academic Press
Vocational Education, Skill Development and Career Planning - Vocational Education, Skill Development and Career Planning
$ 148
Job hunting is the searching of employment when individuals desire to better their career or is discontented with their current job. Career planning helps individuals in selecting a career, to make right decisions, set goals and take action. It is essential for individuals to plan their career in order to enhance the prospective for their success in a competitive world. It includes preparing a career plan with several objectives. These objectives include preparing personal profile, personal and professional goals, systematic analysis of the environment for opportunities, etc. The planner should analyze its weakness and strengths. After planning, the individuals start seeking a job to suit their interest and qualification. The book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of job hunting and career planning. It is a step-by-step guide for interview preparation, applying for internships and writing curriculum vitae. For all those who are interested in developing a successful career, this book will prove to be an essential guide.