Books /Lactic Acid Bacteria: Omics and Functional Evaluation


Lactic Acid Bacteria: Omics and Functional Evaluation




Linh Bowen


States Academic Press



Publication Year


Category :

Medical Science - Bacteriology


$ 155


Lactobacillales refers to an order of low-GC, gram-positive, acid-tolerant bacteria. They are usually non-respiring, non-sporulating, either spherical or rod-shaped bacteria with have common physiological and metabolic features. These bacteria are generally found in decomposing milk products and plants. They generate lactic acid as the primary metabolic end-product of carbohydrate fermentation, which gives them their name, lactic acid bacteria (LAB). They are linked to food fermentation due to the production of lactic acid, as acidification restricts the growth of spoilage agents. Various LAB strains produce proteinaceous bacteriocins that act as an additional barrier for pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms. Various metabolic products contribute towards the textural and organoleptic profile of a food item. LAB has the capability to process and transform dextrans from glucose and levans from sucrose. Dextrans allow bacteria to stick to the teeth’s surface. This in turn, can result in tooth decay due to formation of lactic acid and dental plaque. This book explores all the important aspects of lactic acid bacteria in the present day scenario. It covers in detail the omics and functional evaluation of lactic acid bacteria. This book will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.